# Recurring origin stories of AI Go back to the [[Readings list]] or the [[Master of Philosophy - Main Page]] #ToDo Confirm that John McCarthy then went on to create LISP. #ToDo find the other places I've seen mention of the Dartmouth Workshop. ## IBM and Georgetown Translation (1954) IBM and Georgetown University demonstrated a computer that could translate Russian into English in 1954. (2) 2. Whittaker, Jason (2019). Tech Giants, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Journalism. Taylor & Francis, p108. #Sources --- Reference: Saad Saad, D., & Issa, T. A. (2020). Integration or Replacement: Journalism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Robot Journalism. International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications. 6(3). Available at 3 The [relevant section is available here.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Saad_Saad13/publication/343263293_International_Journal_of_Media_Journalism_and_Mass_Communications_IJMJMC_Page_1_Integration_or_Replacement_Journalism_in_the_Era_of_Artificial_Intelligence_and_Robot_Journalism/links/5f203ecd92851cd5fa4e48e1/International-Journal-of-Media-Journalism-and-Mass-Communications-IJMJMC-Page-1-Integration-or-Replacement-Journalism-in-the-Era-of-Artificial-Intelligence-and-Robot-Journalism.pdf) --- ## The Dartsmouth Workshop (1956) "In June of 1956, A few dozen scientists and mathematicians from all around the country gathered for a meeting on the campus of Dartmouth College" and their meeting has been quoted in a few places I've seen now as the birthplace of AI study. #Sources --- Talty, J. J., Stephan. (2018, March 21). What Will Our Society Look Like When Artificial Intelligence Is Everywhere? Smithsonian Magazine. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/artificial-intelligence-future-scenarios-180968403/ ---